The first real food my mom fed me was green beans...they were delicious. My mom has continued to try and feed me lots of fruits and veggies...but sometimes all I want is pizza, grilled cheese, cheesy tacos, goldfish, cheezits, mac & cheese...are you picking up the trend. Of course for breakfast all I want is yogart, bananas and eggos. I do love my eggos! Well...since mom continues to try and feed me lots of fruits and veggies I thought I would help her out and get dad to eat his fruits too! You're welcome mom!
10 years ago
I've said it a million times.... that kid is too cute!!! How fun! And David is such a good dad. It looks like he's totally enjoying himself.
What a big boy! that is so stinking cute! Priceless moments caught on film! By the way your yard looks beautiful I am very impressed.
Awesome. Dallin, you are sure a help to your meee and diddy. If Diddy ever looses his arms you are totally the one to do the feedings. You totally crack me up.
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