Calling all Memories!!
So here is a fun new blogging game:
1. Leave one memory that you and I (or eeee or Diddy) had together, as a comment on my blog. It doesn't matter if you know us/me/him/her a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Could get VERY interesting people!! :)
9 years ago
My memory sucks however Dallin I have a story for you. One summer Aunt Vicki, your mother and I were driving to Banks Lake in Grandpa Boat's truck and we stopped at the metal horses that are on this huge ridge (Grandpa would never stop at anything scenic when we would take trips). So, we decided that we would stop. Then someone got the brainy idea to drive on a dirt path (I'm sure it was your mom) up toward the horses. It was a great idea till the path got really narrow and we turned back. The only way to get out was to back out and guess what? I high-centered the truck on a huge rock. We were stuck!!! When we got out to see the damage their was a sign that read, Danger Rattle Snakes (or something like that). Now what to do??? I attempted to use my journal as a wedge under the tire (obviously I had all the best ideas) but it did not work. Silly me!!!! We ended up walking down to the view point and asking a man who was driving a motor home to come and help. He used his jack to get us off the rock. This is what I remember but I'm sure your mom and Aunt Vicki can add more to the story. The best part is we kept it from Grandpa for a real long time---but I'm not giving you any ideas.
So do you remember Cafe Rio? Ahh the good old days. I miss them!
Dallin, I am sure eeee and Diddy have introduced you to that wonderful place and don't regret that they did!
well sweet little dallin, since i haven't met you in person i don't have any fun memories to share BUT i will say that your mom SAVED darek and i one day when we were stranded on the freeway in the rain with a broken down car and we were supposed to go to the airport to pick up spencer and sarah and she not only rescued us but she cruised up to the airport to pick them up for us! she is a total champ! and the time she CLEANED the SICKEST boy apartment ever for steve's birthday. that was a real act of serious love because that apartment was GHET-TO!!!! and of course working together at FSTC and just chatting and chatting in her office instead of working - that's maybe my favorite! she is just super cool! you're a lucky little dude!
Oh the memories, really, seriously...too many to count. Loved the road trip from Boise to Seattle, when I wasn't allowed to all. The Big Arse Party at the Sunshine House, that wasn't so Big Arse. The projector that Hans got for us, and fighting Yessica to stop watching X-Files on it. Is that a fire in your, it is just a big arse candle. "Your momma has so many heads..." Love Ya!!!
I remember Bryce Canyon last year at our family reunion, the only time we have met Dallin. Dallin and Hannah were so small back then. I had to post the pics on my blog to help remember, and they are to cute not to share.
Dallen, I have never met you or eee or diddy, but I have heard some great things about you from AJ. I have enjoyed watching you grow and have fun with your family and go to all those great fun parks!. One of these days I'll have to have AJ take me to your place so I can give you a hug. (I'm still a grandma in training)
My first (and favorite) memory of you, Teri, is the first time I met you. Matt brought to our house to spend the night as you were both on your way home for summer vacation from Ricks. Jim and I hit it off with you immediately, and we all stayed up until the wee hours talking and laughing. I have loved you ever since!
Dallin, I remember when I first met you. I went with some weirdos to the hospital to meet you. Eeee and Diddy were sure proud of you. Diddy had to go fetch you. You were all wrapped up in a white blanket and we passed you from person to person and you didn't mind one bit. I got to hold you a very long time, which I liked a lot. We were all waiting for eeee to be paranoid or something, but she was just chillin' and eating some Wendy's and telling us about grandpa Jone's unexpected visit to see you. Diddy was just all smiles.
You're still quite adorable!
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