September 21, 2008

A Saturday!

If you hadn't heard...I've been a pretty good sleeper lately.  I have let (that's her new name) sleep until 8:30.  Diddy was so excited that he would be able to sleep in....but I had other plans...

I decided that we needed LOTS of time to play together.  AND....I didn't want him to get off his normal sleeping schedule....SO....I got up at 6:30 (tee hee).  Of course, to make up for it I gave him a little back rub!

Then we all went for a really long bike ride to a fun park.  When we got back diddy fed me lunch.  Well, really I fed myself...and I made a bit of a mess...

Diddy thought this would be the best way to get me all clean!

After a nap, some more playing and dinner at Training Table (they have the best fry sauce)...we got to go to a place full of toys!  I found a table with lots of tracks and trains...I love trains!  I heard and diddy talking about getting me one for I thought, what else can I have a lot of fun with...

This is my favorite toy in the whole makes lots of noise and I can push it with me wherever I go....and I LOVE to push things!!!

And of course...this!

This one...we got to bring home with us!

1 comment:

Unguren said...

The train track tables at Toys R Us are every childs dream.

My kids always love those little popper pusher things too. why I wonder? To bug me I am sure.