November 5, 2008's time for the white stuff?

We left this....

To come home to this?

Here are a few more pictures from our trip...
This is Cameron's blanket...he likes to carry it everywhere he goes.
When he was at school, I didn't want blankie to get lonely, so I carried him around for Cameron.

This is Aunt Vicki...she really likes to play with us.

This is me and Cameron doing some coloring together...

This is me and at a play place...

This is Grandma's pantry...

I spent a lot of time checking it out and showing all the fun things Grandma keeps in there.

Well...that about wraps up all the fun times in, back to the grind!


Keep'n up with the Cameron said...

Good thing you bought thick warm pants!

AJ said...

I am sure "the grind" is real tough for you, Dallin.

Welcome home!