April 24, 2009

"trucks"..."new hats"...."new bed"

I woke up very early this morning...I was thirsty and wanted some "apple juice" and since I can get out of bed without mommy...I did!  Mommy was NOT happy!  Lucky for her, daddy was "a runnin' " this morning, so she got to stay in bed while I played down by daddy runnin'.

Did you know that they put water at my park?  It is "a big water" and there are lots of rocks to throw in the water.  I have already done it a lot of times!  They are still working on the water...so while mommy was making breakfast (my new favorite...eggs...when they are still in the white thing I call them chickens, but once mommy cooks them...eggs!) I got to watch the trucks...from my very own back door!  I know...I'm very lucky!

After my nap...mommy took me to the store and bought me a new hat!  I love my new hat and I like to wear it a lot!

Then at bedtime...I got a "new bed"!  I took daddy's screw gun from him so I could help!

This is how I am going to sleep in my new bed!

and this is how I get out!

Sweet dreams...(mommy's hoping for some)!


Katie Snedeger said...

yay a big boy bed!!!!! hopefully you will some how be able to keep him taking naps!! Every mommy needS some quite time!

Anonymous said...

I love Dallin's new "hat," and I'm so happy he likes it and will wear it. It'll definitely protect his cute little head. Also, his bed is perfect, if he'll only stay in it for naps. But at least now you don't have to worry about him falling on his head trying to climb out.
Nana T

Keep'n up with the Cameron said...

You are in for some fun!!!!!

Unguren said...

It is always such a production to go into the "big kid" beds. Lucky for us our kids never get out of their beds unless we come and get them.

Good luck!