September 12, 2009

My life as Mama Thompson

I went for a walk this morning...without Dallin...he was still asleep.  I walked for a full hour...with tunes in my ears. I walked, and it was peaceful...Norah Jones brought me peace on my walk.  Of course, Pink had to bring a little peace too!  Do you not what kind of peace I am talking about...the peace when you don't have to hear, "mom, a, guy a a, go over bridge, around circle, throw rocks in a guy"...Nope, just simply lots and lots of music.  And did you know you can go farther and faster without a two-ton heavy stroller to push? I went for a walk this morning and it was glorious.

Do you want to know what I realized on my walk this morning?  That I am 32...I actually have been for a few months, but today on my peaceful walk, it hit me. Not in a bad way...just a..."holy cow, I'm 32".  I remember when I was in young women's and my leaders were in their 30s...I remember thinking they were so settled and mature...and they had a handful of kids.  I remember when I was in my early 20s and thought that 30 seemed so far away...and here it is. I never had an age that I wanted to be married by, and 25 suited me just fine.  I never had an age that I wanted to have kids by...but 29 worked all right too!  And now I am 32 (I don't want to hear it from you older then me that 32 is young, because I know it is...just amazing that it is here).  I have no complaints about being 32...I still feel like I am 22...just not the same size:) Okay, maybe one complaint...a 32 year-old body doesn't procreate like a 22 year-old body...or that of a 16 year-old, why is that?!  But back to my awakening of being 32...I live in a house, in a neighborhood with neighbors that I love.  I live with a husband and a son who I love.  I live with the gospel in my life and the knowledge of a loving Savior, whom I love. I have a husband who loves his job and can provide for my family so I get to stay home with that little son...I am a very lucky 32 year-old!

I went on a walk today...I think it shed a lot of light for me.  I am looking forward to another day when I can go on a walk just like todays!


Unguren said...

It hit me when I was walking through forever 21 one day that I was closer to being 40 than 20. I came home a little sader but I had an awesome cocktail ring to make me feel better. Maybe I should of just taken a walk instead.

Jamie Bailey said...

Glad you had the chance to have some alone time to think...we all need that once in a while! I hope you get more walks like that!

Christine said...

That is a feeling that is so invigorating! Every now and then I get a run or walk on my own. Music makes a big difference too! Glad you are happy in your life. We are still young! :)