May 7, 2012

Cooper turned 8 months old.

I was very excited for Cooper to turn 8 months.
I even got him a present.
(it was one of his pacifiers, which he won't even suck on...
but it's the thought that counts)

He laughs so hard at the silliest things.

He loves to be outside.

He loves to blow on his arm and make silly sounds with his mouth.
He can even click his tongue.

He is happy almost all the time...

 He is a really good baby.
and I still think he is so cute!

He's not quite crawling yet, but he can go from him bum to his knees and back again. He can also go from laying on his belly back up to his knees and on to his bum. He likes to lay on his belly and push himself backwards to get places...and when he bumps into a wall...he just starts rolling. Mom hopes he starts figuring out how to go forward soon because he keeps trapping himself under the couch with all his backwards pushing.


Unknown said...

he is so cute!!

AJ said...

So freakin' cute. Make more kids. They turn out adorable!