Then lots of people came over and I got to play with some new kids...this is Ady, she was my favorite to play with. She crawls and I like to push people while they crawl. AND...sometimes I would just hug her, and then slowly pull her down...
On Sunday we went to church...I made a new friend during the long meeting where everyone just sits and listens. I don't really like to sit and listen and neither does my new friend. We played cars together and colored...I shared my cookies with him and I even shared Daddy's lap with him. He was a very nice friend. After the long meeting was over me..me took my cars to put them in my bag and my new friend got VERY sad...he cried sooooo loud. Then I went to nursery and I stayed in the whole time and didn't cry even once.
After church we went to see Aunt Sharon and Uncle Nick's new house. This is what Cameron wore to their house...Aunt Mandy let him dress himself. Me..me says that Cameron may do a better job at "styling" himself then cousin Laney in Vegas...(what do you think Hannah...maybe a little competition?)
Aunt Sharon and Uncle Nick have cats...4 of them...they are so lucky...I love to pet all animals. I was petting and petting and petting...and then my nose started to itch and so I was itching and itching...then my ears were itching...then I was scratching...then red bumps started to appear on my face....next thing I know me..me and Aunt Vicki are washing my hands and face and I have to leave the cats without even getting to pet them goodbye....me..me says for sure we are never going to get a cat at our house. Stupid itching face....
On Monday I went shopping with me..me and Grandma. Me..me got me some new shirts and warm pants for the snow...Cameron and me got to play at a new play place at the mall...it was kinda fun, but not as fun as other play places I have been too.
And now it is today...and this is our last day with Grandma in Seattle. So we decided to go have more fish and chips (I just like the chips today)...We went to the ocean and got some lunch...this is where went...

This is me and Grandma...

So glad you are back to blogging! I have missed your entries. Come home safely.
My question is this...did me...me try the fish tacos, and were they the best she has ever had?
It is so funny that you said that about Laney. Before reading your blog I made a comment on Mandy's that was along the lines of "Laney and Cameron could be dressing buddies." It seems as though we were on the same wave length you and I.
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