Mommy and daddy took me to get my picture taken yesterday...

I have a few things I need to let you know about getting my picture taken (hey picture lady...maybe you should read these so next time mommy likes more then just 1 of the pictures).
1. Don't tell me where or how to sit..."I pick"
2. If you are going to let me see myself on the tv before you take the picture...don't take the tv away when you actually take the am I supposed to know if I am looking "awesome".
3. Keep the furry thing away from me AND my mommy.
4. I don't want to play "boo" with move over and let daddy play.
5. I would rather not be up on this high counter thing...I want to be on the floor...why can't I be on the floor?
--mommy said I did a real good job and she liked one of the pictures and that is all that mattered 'cause she didn't buy any....just got the free one. Mommy is so smart!
After pictures, I got to get free lunch. Mommy let me pick and "I pick"..."cheesy pizza" and "peaches" (even though mommy keeps telling me they are called oranges...whatever).
I was being a good eater and minding my own business when...
This guy shows up....

I did not like him at all and I hid behind mommy till he went away. But I could still see him all over the place and I didn't want to see him. I told mommy "big bird all gone". She said he was...but I could see him...
Mommy didn't want me to watch for him anymore, so she shared her fries with me...
I got to "dip dip fries"...mmmmmm!
I didn't want daddy to be scared of the "big bird" too, so I gave him a fry to eat to stop him from watching for the bird! Your welcome daddy!
It was a very fun day...and I really liked my free "cheesy pizza".
I can't wait for the next day we get to celebrate my birthday...
did you know I am going to be "2"!
Happy Birhday Buddy !!! Your picture is absolutley adorable. Your mom takes pretty good pictures, too. I'm sorry I can't be there for your birthday to give you a big hug, but one of these days I might surprise you!!. Have a happy weekend and a great birthday, love, Grandma Vicki
How fun!!!!! Cameron hates the bird too and whenever we go to Chucky Cheeses to play games he runs and hides also!!! Keep those big furry things away from our boys!!!!! Have you checked the countdown clock yet....6 days and counting!!!!!
Oh...Vicki beat me by 1 minute!!!!
What a great almost birthday day! Don't you miss the ease of Chrisit's great picture taking? I sure do...
Happy Birthday Dallin! Was that picture taken at Kiddi-Kandids? Trey had about the same experience last time we went there. Sadly, we have never been to Chucky Cheese, but I would probably be afraid of that bird also!
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