April 16, 2012

I can ride a bike...with no training wheels!

When I turned 3, I got a cool green bike for my birthday.
It had training wheels.
I really loved my green bike...and the training wheels. 
Dad tried a couple of times to get me to ride without training wheels.
He even took off the training wheels a few times.
These events usually ended in tears and frustration and me announcing that I would never ride a bike again!

Then I turned 5.

My green bike was way too small for me.
Mom kept telling dad I needed a bigger bike.
Dad looked and looked and he found a "new bike" on his computer.
The next day me and dad drove to a guy's house and we bought the bike.
It had training wheels on it.
Dad told me that he was going to take the training wheels off.
He told me that this bike would never have training wheels on it again.
I wasn't very happy about it.
Dad said if I wanted to ride this bike, I would have to do it with no training wheels.

We got home and I told mom what dad said.
I secretly wanted her to tell dad that I could keep the training wheels on if I wanted.
Mom didn't tell dad that.
Mom told me that dad was right and the training wheels were coming off.
I told her....
"I am never going to ride a bike again".
She told me to go pout in my room...

A few minutes later I went into the garage and helped dad clean off my new bike.
Dad let me ride it one last time with the training wheels on.

Then we took them off.

Dad helped me ride the bike up and down our sidewalk a few times...but then we had to leave.

2 days later, on Monday night, we went over to the park.
I really wanted grass on both sides of the path...
I got on the bike...dad pushed me off...
and well...

No more training wheels for me!

I rode around most of the park...and then I took off all by myself...

It's 'cause I'm 5!


Jaymerz said...

HA, Hannah tells me all the time she can do things now because she is 5

AJ said...

Great job, Dallin! You are sure growing up fast!